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A Punch in the Gutnuts

i’ve been in search of a new name for myself. i started out by interrupting a conversation in my head, “well, i don’t know…how’d you come up with the first one?” i was named after my father. which means i can’t ask him to give me another new name — i’d have to ask his mother and father; who are no longer with us. i don’t know. i could name myself, obviously, but that’s like throwing yourself a birthday party. so lame. haitians have the coolest names. followed by norwegians, or germans. i wish i could be named after some guttural utterance. maybe a moan, or a fall down the stairs, or a punch in the gut/nuts. anyway, this is stupid — because my name should transcend language. it should be preternatural. it should be all things, alpha and omega. my new name should be whatever she calls me.

Originally published on Medium

*Photography by Dirt Gathers In The Corner